Freitag, 27. März 2009

To keep it more international ...

To keep it more international read this post in Englisch as well:

People attend usually just once in their life a first aid training, to accomplish their drivers licence. Afterwards you should be able to take qualitative moves when observing an accident, an unconsciousness or a heart attack, for the rest of your life. But already after a couple of month, a couple of years people might not feel ready to use first aid at a human being and might wish secretly that somebody else would have seen the accident as well, someone who knows exactly what he's doing.
Meanwhile there are some people, that are volunteering to attend a first aid course for the second time or they are being forced by the company they work for. It's a law for companies that a certain percentage of employees in regular intervals needs to be trained in first aid, to minimize the risk for accidents.
Schouldn't such a law be valid for the drivers licence too?
A law that regulates the regular attendance to first aid classes in order to keep the drivers licence. What do you think?

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Meine Kommentare

Willkommen ;)
Willkommen ;)
micheletedesco - 23. Apr, 08:39
Das ist sehr wichtig,...
Das ist sehr wichtig, dass man in solchen Momenten...
mediplexhealthcare - 7. Apr, 14:23

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